The South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board was formed in 1974 as an Independent Special District (as mandated by the EPA) to provide pollution abatement related to wastewater for cities of Delray, Boynton and the smaller surrounding communities. The organization includes the ten Member Board, five Commissioners from Delray Beach and five Commissioners from Boynton Beach, the Executive Director and twenty full-time positions. The full-time staff is assisted in specialty areas by the Board-appointed Attorney, Consulting Engineer and Auditor.
The Board is responsible to properly treat, within the guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the Palm Beach County Health Department, approximately 24 million gallons per day of raw sewage. The treated effluent is then processed through our reclaimed water facility to irrigate golf courses, designated areas within the cities of Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. The Board also utilizes a deep injection well to dispose of excess treated reclaimed water. In order to accomplish this task, the plant staff must properly operate and maintain the $85,000,000 treatment facility within the financial resources of the annual operational budget.
Our regularly scheduled Board Meetings, which normally last one hour, are held on the 3rd Thursday of January, April, July and October at 5:00 p.m. at the plant which is located at 1801 N. Congress Ave. in Delray Beach.
Reclaimed Water:
The City of Boynton Beach utilizes reclaimed water to irrigate five golf courses and community properties within city limits.
The City of Delray Beach utilizes reclaimed water for irrigation at their public golf courses. City of Delray Beach plans to utilize in as many accessible areas in the future.
Odor Status

No Odor Anticipated